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Eastern Water Alliance Meeting

Special Meeting

Eastern Water Alliance (EWA)

Post Office Box 5157

Stockton, CA 95205


An Alliance of Water Districts, Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District (CSJWCD), North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD), and Stockton East Water District (SEWD), located over the critically over drafted Eastern San Joaquin County Groundwater Basin


Monday, September 23, 2024 Minutes




A)    Call to Order: Director Simpson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


B)    Roll Call: A quorum of the Eastern Water Alliance Board member were present Directors Sanguinetti, Simpson, Colombini, and alternate Director Watkins. Also present were SEWD General Manager Hopkins, District Engineer Evensen, Administrative Assistant Rodriguez, and Legal Counsel Selke, NSJWCD General Manager Schwabauer; CSJWCD General Manager Reid Roberts and EBMUD staff Grace Su and Stella Tan were present via teleconference. Directors McGurk and Thompson were absent.


C)    Public Comment: None


D)    Presentation and Action items:                                                                                              

1.      Approval of Minutes:

a.       Minutes 03/07/24

b.      Minutes 06/06/24

c.       Minutes 09/05/24


A motion was moved by Director Watkins and seconded by Director Colombini to approve the March 7, 2024, June 6, 2024 and September 5,2024, as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


2.      Consider Adopting New Conflict of Interest Code

Manager Hopkins provided the Board with the New Conflict of Interest Code for approval.                               


A motion was moved by Director Sanguinetti and seconded by Director Colombini to approve the New Conflict of Interest Code, as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


3.      Consider Adopting DREAM Pilot Project Results

Manager Hopkins summarized the results reported at the June 2024 meeting of the Eastern Water Alliance and DREAM Monitoring Committee, East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) presented the extraction results from the DREAM Pilot Project. During the 2023-2024 water years, 592 acre-feet (AF) were recharged through in-lieu use by North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD) customers. East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) was able to extract 296 AF of this total earlier this year. However, Manager Hopkins indicated the full extraction goal was not achieved; only 223 AF of groundwater was extracted, leaving 73 AF still banked. Monitoring wells from the pilot project indicated no negative impacts on groundwater levels due to the extractions. Manager Hopkins stated the pilot project was considered a success, and the DREAM Monitoring Committee recommends that the Board approve the DREAM Pilot Project results.


Director Watkins inquired what the percentage loss per year was on page 18. Manager Hopkins replied the 73 AF will be written off since the DREAM Pilot Project has concluded.


Director Watkins suggested making the following correction on page 18, strike “remaining banked groundwater” to “remaining groundwater”. Director Simpson agreed to make the correction and requested Grace and Stella update the changes on their presentation.


A motion was moved by Director Colombini and seconded by Director Watkins to approve the DREAM Pilot Project Results as amended. The motion passed unanimously.


4.      Presentation of MICUP

Bob Grandberg presented the Board with an overview of the Mokelumne River Integrated Conjunctive Use Program (MICUP). He reported that the participants in MICUP include San Joaquin County (SJC), Cal Water, the City of Stockton, EBMUD, NSJWCD, Stockton East Water District (SEWD), and Woodbridge Irrigation District (WID). Mr. Grandberg explained that MICUP is a coordinated initiative aimed at identifying projects that utilize available Mokelumne River water for beneficial purposes in the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Subbasin, as outlined in the Mokelumne River Water and Power Authority (MRWPA) Water Rights Application 29835.

The sustainability goals of MICUP include developing a supplemental surface water supply from the Mokelumne River, integrating surface water and groundwater to address drought and climate change, improving groundwater levels in the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Subbasin, and achieving both integrated water supply and environmental benefits in the lower Mokelumne watershed.

Mr. Grandberg shared maps illustrating the Fall 2023 Depth to Water and Water Surface Elevation, along with a brief history of the MICUP, noting that the Department of Water Resources (DWR) declared the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Subbasin in critical overdraft in 1980. Mr. Grandberg stated that the proposed program and water rights application would allow for diversions of up to 110,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) and a flow rate of up to 620 cubic feet per second (cfs), with the diversion period set between December 1 and June 30 during wet years.

Additionally, Mr. Grandberg provided a two-step table for determining the total water available for appropriation, with Step 1 involving the MOCASIM model and Step 2 utilizing the Water Allocation Analysis Tool to allocate the "unappropriated water" calculated in Step 1. Mr. Grandberg noted that MICUP could enhance the DREAM Project by demonstrating recharge, extraction, and Aquifer Management, leveraging shared facilities to expand water availability.


Director Colombini inquired how hard is it to change the place of use. Mr. Grandberg replied a new map has to be filed with the California State Board.


Mr. Grandberg also reported the CEQA documents have been started and a notice of preparation was sent out.


Grace clarified EBMUD does not benefit from the MICUP water in terms of extracting it. Discussion followed.


a.       Discussion Regarding Large-Scale Project.

Manager Hopkins opened the floor for discussion on the next steps for the Eastern Water Alliance. District Engineer Evensen explained the District is exploring an agreement with San Joaquin County regarding the Beckman well, with EBMUD serving as a model for future projects.


Director Colombini inquired if the Board could apply for an export permit. Manager Hopkins replied District staff will look into it.


Director Colombini inquired about the next steps, specifically whether the Board needs to engage with San Joaquin County or its individual districts. Manager Hopkins replied the Board should communicate with the individual districts, as SEWD has taken ownership of the Beckman well. Manager Hopkins also informed the Board that staff will reach out to the landowner.


Manager Hopkins reported District staff will provide a presentation on potential groundwater banking opportunities for the next Eastern Water Alliance quarterly meeting.


Grace reported there is a meeting with SEWD, NSJWCD and EBMUD on October 2nd.  Discussion followed.


E)     Unfinished Business


F) New Business

1. Eastern Water Alliance Committee Alternate Representatives Update

Manager Hopkins reported during the previous Eastern Water Alliance meeting, it was discussed that each agency should evaluate their representatives and consider appointing an alternate member. Manager Hopkins requested confirmation that both North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD) and Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District (CSJWCD) have appointed alternate members.


Director Simpson informed the Board North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD) will approve an alternate during their regular board meeting. 


G)    Agenda Planning for Next Meeting:

The next quarterly Eastern Water Alliance meeting, scheduled for December 5th, will be canceled due to the 2024 ACWA Fall Conference. Instead, a Special Eastern Water Alliance meeting will be held on December 13th at 10:00 a.m.


H)    Adjournment: Director Simpson adjourned the meeting at 11:18 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Justin M. Hopkins               
