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Board Meeting








AT 12:30 P.M., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024 AT THE




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please contact Administrative Staff at (209) 948-0333 at least 48-hours

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Please call (347) 566-2741/Passcode: 300 937 522#

to be connected to the Regular Board Meeting, to begin at 12:30 p.m.

Agendas and minutes are located on our website at




A.         Pledge of Allegiance (Dir. Of Finance & Admin Ram) & Roll Call


B.        Consent Calendar    


C.        Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)


D.        Scheduled Presentations and Agenda Items                                                         

1.      Stockton East Water District – Board of Directors                                 

Organizational Meeting

a.       Election of Officers

b.      Committee/Secretary Assignments                                                    


2.      Minutes 12/10/24                                                                                     


3.      Warrants

a.       Fund 68 – Municipal & Industrial Groundwater Fund                      

b.      Fund 70 – Administration Fund                                                         

c.       Fund 71 – Water Supply Fund                                                           

d.      Fund 89 – Fish Screen Improvements Fund                                       

e.       Fund 91 – Vehicle Fund                                                                     

f.        Fund 94 – Municipal & Industrial Fund                                             

g.      Payroll                                                                                                 

h.      Summary                                                                                             

i.        Short Names/ Acronym List                                                               

j.        SEWD Vehicles & Heavy Equipment                                                


4.      2025 One Voice Trip Project Submission

a.       Bellota Fish Screen and Passage Improvement Project                     


5.      Consider Approval of Contract for Implementation and Licensing         

Of New Computerized Maintenance System (CMMS) Memo


6.      Stockton East Water District – Authorization To Enter Into An             

Agreement With The USBR To Perform An ATP Study For The

New Melones Unit CVP Irrigation Water Rates Memo  

a.       Resolution No. 24-25-14 – Authorizing The General Manager         

To Enter Into A Reimbursable Agreement With The United States

Bureau Of Reclamation To Perform An Ability-To-Pay Study        


E.        Committee Reports  


F.         Report of the General Manager

1.   Water Supply Report 12/10/24                                                                                                                                                                                                   

2.      Informational Items

a.       ACWA JPIA – H.R. LaBounty Safety Awards Program,                  



3.      Report on General Manager Activities                

a.       Stockton East Water District Activities Update                                


4.      Stockton East Water District Operations Update


G.        Director Reports

1.      Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Board                                

Meeting, 12/11/24


2.      Eastern Water Alliance Special Board Meeting, 12/13/24                       


3.      Stockton East Water District – Winter Wonderland Potluck,



H.        Communications                                                                                         

1.   ACWA JPIA – President’s Special Recognition Awards                       


I.           Agenda Planning/Upcoming Events

1.      San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation                  

District Advisory Water Commission Meeting, 1:00 p.m.,


*This meeting has been cancelled*


2.      CVP Water Association – Executive and Financial Affairs

Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., 12/20/24


3.      District Holiday – Christmas Day, 12/25/24


J.         Closed Session

1.   CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED                                         

 LITIGATION Potential exposure to litigation – Government Code

 Section 54956.9 – one case


K.        Adjournment


Certification of Posting


I hereby certify that on December 12, 2024 I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda in the outside display case at the District Office, 6767 East Main Street, Stockton, California, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stockton East Water District (Government Code Section 54954.2). 

Executed at Stockton, California on December 12, 2024.


Signed by: Priya Ram 12/12/24

Priya Ram, Director of Finance & Administration

Stockton East Water District


Any materials related to items on this agenda distributed to the Board of Directors of Stockton East Water District less than 72 hours before the public meeting are available for public inspection at the District’s office located at the following address: 6767 East Main Street, Stockton, CA 95215. Upon request, these materials may be available in an alternative format to persons with disabilities.









ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024, AT 12:30 P.M.



President Atkins called the regular meeting to order at 12:30 p.m., and Director of Finance & Administration Ram led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present at roll call at the District were Directors Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti and Watkins. Also present were Manager Hopkins, Assistant Manager Vega, Director of Finance and Administration Ram, District Engineer Evensen, Water Operations Manager Wunderlich, Maintenance Manager Higares, Safety & Compliance Analyst Wood, Legal Counsel Luebberke and Consultant Barkett. Director Cortopassi was absent.





President Atkins informed the Board that Director Cortopassi is absent due to health reasons. Director Watkins shared the flowers sent by the District have been received.



1.      Stockton East Water District – Board of Directors Organizational Meeting

a.       Election of Officers

President Atkins opened the floor for the election of officers for the next two years. Nominations were opened for President and Vice-President of the Board of Directors.


Director Sanguinetti moved, seconded by Director Panizza nominating Director McGurk for Board President and Director Nakaue for Board Vice-President. 


President Atkins expressed gratitude to the Board and District staff for their support during his time as Board President and for their efficiency.


A motion was moved and seconded to close the nominations and unanimously approve Director McGurk for Board President and Director Nakaue for Board Vice-President. 

Roll Call:

      Ayes:         Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

      Nayes:       None

      Abstain:     None

      Absent:      Cortopassi


Director Atkins moved, seconded by Director Panizza nominating Justin M. Hopkins as Secretary of the Board. 

A motion was moved and seconded to close the nominations and unanimously approve Justin M. Hopkins for Board Secretary.  

Roll Call:

      Ayes:         Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

      Nayes:       None

      Abstain:     None

      Absent:      Cortopassi


b.      Committee/Secretary Assignments


2.      Minutes 12/10/24 Regular Meeting


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the December 10, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:   Cortopassi


3.      Warrants

a.       Fund 68 – Municipal & Industrial Groundwater Fund

b.      Fund 70 – Administration Fund

c.       Fund 71 - Water Supply Fund

d.      Fund 89 – Fish Screen Improvements Fund

e.       Fund 91 – Vehicle Fund

f.        Fund 94 – Municipal & Industrial Fund

g.      Payroll

h.      Summary

i.        Short Names/Acronym List

j.        SEWD Vehicles & Heavy Equipment


Directors Atkins and Sanguinetti inquired on expenses and staff provided clarification.


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the December 17, 2024 Warrants, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:   Cortopassi


4.      2025 One Voice Trip Project Submission

a.       Bellota Fish Screen and Passage Improvement Project

Manager Hopkins presented the Board with information on the Bellota Fish Screen and Passage Improvement Project. Manager Hopkins reported the project did not align with the goals of the Council of Government (COG) and, as such, was not included in previous years. However, COG has agreed to include the project in the informational packet distributed to elected officials to ensure they are informed of the project and its funding needs.


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the 2025 One Voice Trip Project Submission, as presented.

Roll Call:

      Ayes:         Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

      Nayes:       None

      Abstain:     None

      Absent:      Cortopassi


5.      Stockton East Water District – Consider Approval of Contract for Implementation and Licensing Of New Computerized Maintenance System (CMMS) Memo

Manager Hopkins provided the Board with a memo to consider approval of a contract for implementation and licensing of a new Computerized Maintenance System (CMMS).


Assistant Manager Vega reported the District has utilized Maintenance Connection software to manage work orders, inventory, and preventive maintenance activities. While this software has been fundamental in maintaining operations, it is now outdated, lacking modern functionalities, and is no longer supported. As a result, the District faces increasing inefficiencies in asset management and elevated maintenance costs, underscoring the need for a functioning and more advanced solution. The District developed a comprehensive Master IT Plan to address its aging information technology (IT) infrastructure, evolving technological needs, and develop and implement a much-needed Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The master plan included costs for the development and implementation of both a CMMS and a Financial Software replacement.


In the pursuit of the most suitable Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) solution, District staff conducted a comprehensive review of four different CMMS programs: Nobel Systems, Mentor APM, eMaint, NexGen, Limble CMMS and Tyler Technologies EAM (Tyler EAM). Staff considered several factors in selecting a software package for recommendation: overall capabilities, vendor experience, compatibility with existing financial software, integration with GIS. While Limble CMMS was the lowest bidder, it is a fairly new company, has less capabilities than the other two packages, would require additional programming to be able to interface with the existing and planned financial packages, and does not have GIS capabilities. NexGEN and Tyler Technologies EAM were comparable in capabilities, but NexGEN is much more expensive and would also require additional programming to interface with the current and planned financial packages, leaving Tyler EAM as the staff choice for recommendation. The implementation of a new CMMS is included in the FY 2024-2025 budget. Some of those funds, $148,940 have been already encumbered by the Board as a result of the contract with Tyler Technologies for Financial software. The current proposed implementation cost is still well under the remaining budget for the CMMS system for FY 2024-2025.


Maintenance Manager Higares reported the new CMMS system offers advanced features for managing large-scale infrastructure, such as that of the District. It can consolidate all asset data, perform analytics, deliver real-time information to prevent and predict emergency repairs, integrate reporting tools to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, and track inventory.


Director Atkins inquired if the system could integrate with the SCADA system. Maintenance Manager Higares responded that while it may be possible, to his knowledge, it has not been done and is not currently part of the project's scope of work.


Discussion followed.


A motion was moved and seconded to authorize the General Manager to execute a contract for software implementation and licensing for a new CMMS system with Tyler Technologies for $127,500, plus a 10% contingency $12,750 for a not to exceed cost of $140,250, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:   Cortopassi


6.      Stockton East Water District – Authorization To Enter Into An Agreement With The USBR To Perform An ATP Study For The New Melones Unit CVP Irrigation Water Rates Memo     

a.       Resolution No. 24-25-14 – Authorizing The General Manager To Enter Into A Reimbursable Agreement With The United States Bureau Of Reclamation To Perform An Ability-To-Pay Study

Manager Hopkins provided the Board with an Ability-To-Pay (ATP) Study memo and Resolution No. 24-25-14. Manager Hopkins reported an ATP study was performed by the USBR in 2015 at the request of the District. The 2015 study concluded the District did have the ability to pay the current CVP irrigation rates and no aid was provided. CVP irrigation rates have continued to increase since the 2015 study, while the producer price for many agricultural commodities grown within the District has decreased. As a result, the Board directed staff on April 4, 2023, to request an updated ATP study from the USBR for the New Melones Unit of the CVP. On December 11, 2024, staff received confirmation from the USBR that a reimbursable agreement is being prepared to perform an updated ATP study. The study will cover a prospective five-year period of analysis similar to the 2015 study. If the study concludes the District qualifies for irrigation relief, then aid will be provided to the District for the following five-year period. The District is responsible for paying 100% of the actual costs incurred by the USBR to perform the updated study. Since actual costs will not be calculated until the updated study is complete, the USBR requires a deposit of $40,000. If actual costs exceed the deposit, the District will be required to pay additional funds, but will receive reimbursement if actual costs are less than the deposit. Resolution 24-25-14 would authorize the District to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to perform the ATP study.


Director Watkins raised concerns about whether the five-year period would be sufficient to yield accurate information and inquired if the District could request another study if the current one proves unsuccessful.


Discussion followed.


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the Resolution No. 24-25-14 – Authorizing The General Manager To Enter Into A Reimbursable Agreement With The United States Bureau Of Reclamation To Perform An Ability-To-Pay Study, as presented.

Roll Call:

      Ayes:         Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

      Nayes:       None

      Abstain:     None

      Absent:      Cortopassi





1.      Water Supply Report as of 12/17/24


Manager Hopkins provided a handout of the Water Supply Report for information only that included storage, release, and production data collected from various sources as of midnight last night.


There is 166,964 AF in storage at New Hogan Reservoir. Current releases are set at 97 cfs. There is 1,831,658 AF in storage at New Melones Reservoir. Current releases are set at 24 cfs. The current release at Goodwin Dam to Stanislaus River is set at 207 cfs and release to all water users is set at 207 cfs. The District Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is currently processing 36 mgd. North Stockton is currently utilizing 11 mgd. South Stockton is currently using 7 mgd. Cal Water is currently utilizing 15 mgd. The City of Stockton WTP is currently processing 0 mgd.


2.      Information Items: F-2a


3.      Report on General Manager Activities

·                     Manager Hopkins provided the Board with an update on the Flume Project. Manager Hopkins reported the contractor is encountering more rock than initially anticipated. Approximately 600 cubic yards of rock need to be excavated, which would result in a $780,000 change order for its removal. However, the project remains on schedule for completion in January 2025. Discussion followed.


·                     Manager Hopkins reported the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority (GWA) Board has approved the formation of an Executive Committee. The committee will provide support, assist with budgeting, and help fill the Executive Director position, which will report directly to the GWA Board. The GWA is seeking to appoint three to five representatives to serve on the committee. Director Watkins emphasized the importance of having District representation on the committee. If a Board member would like to participate, this item will be brought back for further discussion.


·                     Manager Hopkins reported the Eastern Water Alliance (EWA) recently convened to discuss potential groundwater banking projects that would require collaboration with several external partners. Manager Hopkins recommended the Board form an Ad-Hoc Committee to further explore and discuss future groundwater banking opportunities in greater detail.


·                     Manager Hopkins provided the Board with an update on the use of equipment for the week of December 9th.


·                     Manager Hopkins informed the Board he plans to take time off at the end of this month between December 19th and December 25th.


4.      Stockton East Water District Operations Update

Water Operations Manager Wunderlich provided the Board with an update on the District’s WTP production. Water Operations Manager Wunderlich reported for the month of November 94 samples of E coli were collected and 0 were positive. The WTP rain fall totals for the previous week was 1.63 inches, the District’s WTP produced 2,956 AF and Delta Water Supply Treatment Plant produced 1,070 AF in surface water production. Cal Water produced 178 AF, City of Stockton produced 1.8 AF and the District’s water treatment plant produced 0 AF in groundwater production.



1.      Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Board Meeting, 12/11/24

Directors Panizza, Watkins and Manager Hopkins attended the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority (ESJGWA) Board Meeting on December 11th. Director Panizza reported that the Board approved the minutes, amended the 2024-2025 ESJGWA Budget, authorized the formation of the Executive Committee, adopted the 2024 Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin Communications and Engagement Plan, and received a presentation from River Partners on Mokelumne River Integrated Conjunctive Use Program (MICUP) opportunities. Manager Hopkins reported the ESJGWA Board approved the 5-year update to the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).


Director Watkins recommended staff contact Linden Irrigation District to ensure they are kept informed about the progress of the GSP.


2.      Eastern Water Alliance Special Board Meeting, 12/13/24

Directors McGurk, Sanguinetti, Watkins and Manager Hopkins attended the Eastern Water Alliance (EWA) meeting on December 13th. Director Sanguinetti reported Stockton East Water District (SEWD) and North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD) presented potential groundwater banking projects.


Manager Hopkins reported the EWA founding documents specify that items requiring approval must receive a unanimous decision to pass.


3.      Stockton East Water District – Winter Wonderland Potluck, 12/13/24

Directors Atkins, McGurk, Nakaue and Watkins attended the District’s Winter Wonderland Potluck. Vice-President Nakaue mentioned it was his first time attending a District potluck and expressed it was a wonderful event. Director Atkins shared that the food was excellent and the staff had great conversations. President McGurk expressed his appreciation for seeing everyone actively engaged with one another and thanked staff for their efforts in organizing the event.



1.      Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority President’s Special Recognition Awards – President’s Special Recognition Awards

Manager Hopkins provided the Board with correspondence from ACWA/JPIA recognizing the District for having a Loss Ratio of 20% or less in the Liability, Property and Workers’ Compensation Programs. Manager Hopkins noted that Safety and Compliance Analyst Wood has played a key role in this through her work on the safety program.



1.      San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Advisory Water Commission Meeting, 1:00 p.m., 12/18/24

*This meeting has been cancelled*


2.      CVP Water Association – Executive and Financial Affairs Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., 12/20/24


3.      District Holiday – Christmas Day, 12/25/24


Director Panizza reported a Tri-Dam Committee Meeting will be held on December 18, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at the District office.



1.      CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Potential exposure to litigation – Government Code Section 54956.9 – one case


President Atkins adjourned the meeting to closed session at 1:58 p.m. The regular meeting reconvened at 2:00 p.m., with no reportable action.



President Atkins adjourned the meeting at 2:01 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Justin M. Hopkins
Secretary of the Board

